Full Name
Dr. Christina Robinson
Job Title
Executive Director
Houston Community College
Speaker Bio
Dr. Christina Robinson, chair of the Gulf Coast Region Apprenticeship Summit. Robinson currently serves as the Executive Director of Work-Based Learning and Industry Partnerships for the Houston Community College System. Robinson founded the Gulf Coast Region Apprenticeship Hub, an accelerator for industry-wide apprenticeships and talent pipeline development. She works closely with employers, schools, and providers in upskilling and developing their talent pipeline through HCC talent solutions. An accomplished leader and champion of higher learning, she has been recognized for her leadership both locally and nationally. Most recently she received the 2023 National Council for Workforce Education Exemplary Program Award. Dr. Robinson has been honored as the Top 30 Most Influential Women in Houston and Top Ten Most Influential Women by Houston Woman Magazine. Robinson is a State of Texas Fellow for the Coalition of Adult Basic Education, and currently services on the City of Houston Advisory Board for Adult Literacy. Having earned a bachelor's degree in communications from Texas A&M University and a Master of Arts in Organizational Management from
The University of Phoenix, Dr. Robinson received her Doctorate in Community College Leadership from the Roueche Graduate Center at National American University.
Dr. Christina Robinson